sweet owner

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Diaries Owner Fun
hello peeps ! this blog basically where i put my heart on it :)


1. Please be nice to me :D
2. No harsh word, please :)
3. Don't spam at my cbox guest o.O


basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: Cikmimin
Re-Edited By: Miera

improve yourself

gif and bye clown image


here are some tips i stumble upon on how to improve or make u feel better about your life or u just got nothing to do and can fill up your time..:) btw that pic is scary tho

  • make your bed to immediately make your room look more put together
  • water first, then coffee or tea
  • pray or meditate, even just for ten minutes, to set the tone for your day
  • browse the news headlines ( & read the articles that interest you when you’ve got time) 
  • wear something you feel b o m b in
  • listen to music while doing your daily activities-commuting, cleaning, cooking, exercising
  • smile at at least two people 
  • smile at YOURSELF
  • call or message someone you love
  • eat food that makes you feel radiant
  • make lists of things you need to accomplish for the day
  • stretch for 10 minutes
  • record in your phone the positive thoughts you have so you can remember them
  • carry water with you (always always always)
  • shut off your phone for an hour and have some ME time
  • take a hot shower or bath at the end of a stressful day
  • try to make plans to spend time with someone at least once a week
  • think about 3 things you are grateful for at the end of each day
  • do something calming, relaxing, and non-electronic 30 minutes before you sleep, sleep pants-less
  • read novels
  • pat a cat
  • take a walk and breath,be free and enjoy the nature
  • lay on bed doing nothing just stare at the ceiling *probably me